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Adiction Recovery

Did you know?


“Addiction should be understood as a chronic
recurring illness that requires treatment.” 

– Alan Leshner, MD, former head of the
National Institute on Drug Abuse at NIH

Addiction recovery has grown by leaps and bounds because doctors and specialists have taken the time to study the addiction process and how it affects different individuals. Studies have been conducted on various methods used in treatment programs, so a great deal has been learned.


Addiction recovery programs are most successful if the substance abuser truly wants to be involved.Numerous studies have proven that relaxation reduces the use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana.


In summary, drum therapy helps provide a sense of calm, impacts participants on a psychological level with new awareness of their emotions, and provides a path to meeting addicts’ social needs. The therapy, though unconventional, may become an asset to traditional therapies for drug and alcohol recovery, both for teens and adults.


Drumming and Addiction


Every year over 35,000 Americans die from alcohol-related incidents. That is one every fifteen minutes! It is estimated that over three million teenagers are alcoholics and twelve million Americans are currently using illegal drugs. The statistics for addiction-related deaths are staggering. However, a highly effective, evidence-based tool for the recovery of substance abusers has emerged—group therapeutic drumming.


Christine Stevens, Director of Music Therapy and Wellness for Remo, Inc., ( points out that the key components of drumming in a health-oriented group therapeutic drumming session match the goals of recovery, specifically, building relationships, increasing awareness of one’s spirituality, and helping users to express their emotions.


According to Stevens, “Individuals in recovery are so numb they don’t even know how they feel. The drum is like an acoustical mirror. They get a taste of what they are feeling inside by hearing what they are playing on the drum. The drum seems to be able to repair the numbing that occurs through their addiction.”Substance abusers become isolated from themselves and their community. Their primary relationship becomes their drug of choice. Drum circles break through the isolation and build relationships with people.” According to Davis, “Addicts become spiritually dead. Spirituality is about feeling something deeply, and drumming helps users to feel in a nonthreatening way. They can express their emotions without having to find the correct words.”


Positive RePercussions provides evidence-based programs of therapeutic group drumming contact us today to discuss how our programs can benefit your organization.

Consider Positive RePercussions for your company's next conference, workshop, meeting or retreat or ask us how we can save your organizitation money by lowering your employee's stress.

Contact us today to discuss how our exciting programs can benefit your organization.


 1(941) 677-DRUM (3786) •


Facilitating/Training Drum Circles for:

Addiction Recovery • Alzheimer’s Care • Anger Management • Autistic Spectrum • At-Risk Youth • Anti-Bullying• Cancer Support• Conflict Resolution • Depression • Employee Retention • Leadership Skills • Physical Rehabilitation • Post-Traumatic Stress • Social Skills • Special Needs • Stress Management • Stroke Rehabilitation• Team-Building• Traumatic Brain Injury • Wellness

© 2018 by Positive RePercussions, LLC

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