At-Risk Youth
Seeking the right program for at-risk and troubled youth can be a troublesome task. It’s important to find an evidence-based program that will provide your child with a safe environment that encourages creative self-expression. Positive RE:Percussions’™ TEEN BEAT™ Program is such a program. TEEN BEAT™ utilizes the evidence-based, ten-step, group empowerment drumming program of the HealthRHYTHMS® Adolescent Protocol™. This research-supported, at-risk youth, group drumming program is a progression of six (6) or twelve (12) weekly, one-hour sessions to guide participants through communication and creative self-expression. The research supports the programs success in:
• Improved school/work role performance
• Improved behavior toward others
• Reduced total anger
• Reduced instrumental anger
• Reduced interpersonal problems
Regardless of prior musical experience, individual background, or unique life challenges, group drumming allows each individual to discover and express their personal rhythm. A simple drum beat can open up the heart and mind. It assists us to be receptive to new concepts and conscious expression. Words alone cannot accomplish this, music gets through to individuals’ minds and hearts when words do not pass, when there are barriers that separate us, and when we feel the odds are against us. Music and rhythm uplift us in the midst of our darkness. It allows us to create common ground, it allows us to build bridges when we need each other the most. The effects are immediate and long-lasting, after only one hour of group drumming participants emerge feeling relaxed, stress-free, with a positive sense of accomplishment.
The Teen Beat™ group drumming program is not about inspiring successful drumming
– it’s about inspiring successful living.
The Teen Beat™ group drumming program is not about exceptional performance
– it’s about exceptional support and personal expression.
Positive RE:Percussions’s™ TEEN BEAT™ At-Risk Youth Group Drumming Program is designed to work with youth of all ages who are exhibiting behavioral and/or emotional problems of varying degrees. We use mindfulness, music, rhythm and compassion to turn tragedy into triumph, pain into understanding, and anger into hope for a successful future.
Instrumental Anger
Click above to watch Dr. Barry Bittman explain how this evidence-based program reduces instrumental anger. (1 min. 24 sec.)
Did you know?
The research shows a mesuarable reduction in instrumental anger, "The Columbine Effect"!
Click here to read the abstract of the research for the REMO® HealthRHYTHMS® Adolsecent Protocol.
Our TEEN BEAT™ Adolescent Support Programs are facilitated by highly trained, skilled, compassionate facilitators.
Kim Scott is a HealthRHYTHMS® Trained Facilitator, has worked with at-risk youth in the Juvenile Restorative Justice program and believes that our TEEN BEAT™ At-Risk Youth program can enhance the experience of the circle by including percussion instruments as a way to allow participants to express their feelings in a non-threatening atmosphere.
Erik Dunton, founded Positive RePercussions™ in 2007 in an effort to bring beneficial music-based programs to a variety of populations. Erik is a REMO® Endorsed HealthRHYTHMS® Facilitator and Restorative Musician who has worked with a wide variety of diverse populations who have benefited from participating in our evidence-based programs.
We understand that there are ‘no bad’ kids, only ‘bad choices’ therefore, we chose to see their positive traits. Contact us today to bring about our exciting rhythm-based programs.