Stress Management

Did you know?
According to noted cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton that over 95% of all disease-related ailments in this country are created by stress?
Reducing stress in the workplace is good for business.
41% said they “feel tense or stressed out during the workday.” –American Psychological Association
Stress costs businesses billions of dollars a year in turnover, lowered productivity, health care costs and sick days. The New York Times reported; “Workplace stress costs the nation more than $300 billion each year in health care and missed work.” 65% of workers said that workplace stress had caused difficulties and more than 10% described these as having major effects.
Stress can hit you from a variety of sources — work, relationships, poor self-image, loneliness, or persistent fear. Stress can also be induced from such events as the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a change in job, or a change in lifestyle. When your body encounters stress it negatively affects virtually all systems—circulatory, immune, respiratory, digestive, nervous. Newsweek reported, “A whole new body of research shows the damage stress wreaks on the body: not just heart disease and ulcers, but loss of memory, diminished immune function, and even a particular type of obesity.
Stress is our number one health problem. According to the American Medical Association, stress is implicated in 80% of all illness, and stress-related problems account for 90% of our visits to primary-care physicians. Left unchecked, stress is a killer. Stress affects your entire wellbeing at home, in your relationships, and at work.
Stress costs American businesses $300 billion dollars a year. –World Health Organization
Stress management generally involves either an active component, such as exercise, or a passive component, such as meditation. Positive RePercussions combines both techniques in an innovative approach which releases stress actively through percussive drumming and passively through a calming guided imagery exercise. This combination leaves participants with the unique experience of feeling energized, yet relaxed and centered, as well.
Positive RePercussions offers exciting and innovative HealthRHYTHMS® based programs proven to build team spirit, boost morale, increase productivity, boost the body’s immune system and reduce burnout. These Rhythm-Based programs combine energetic, percussive drumming with calming guided imagery exercises to provide lasting and powerful stress management.
These programs are designed to "Beat Stress" for individuals at all levels seeking relief from their day-to-day frustrations by allowing for a constructive and enjoyable release of tension.
Stress costs businesses billions of dollars a year in turnover, lowered productivity, healthcare costs, and sick days.
Positive RePercussions offers exciting and innovative HealthRHYTHMS® based programs proven to build team spirit, heighten morale, increase productivity, boost the body’s immune system, and reduce burnout. These rhythm-based programs combine energetic, percussive drumming with calming guided imagery exercises to provide lasting and powerful stress management.
These programs are designed for co-workers at all levels seeking relief from their day-to-day frustrations by allowing for a constructive and enjoyable release of tension.
Stress is the most common cause of long-term sickness absence for both manual and non-manual employees. – Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
Stress management generally involves either an active component, such as exercise, or a passive component, such as meditation. Positive RePercussions combines both techniques in an innovative approach which releases stress actively through percussive drumming and passively through a calming, guided-imagery exercise. This combination leaves participants with the unique experience of feeling energized yet relaxed and centered.
Learn more about our BEAT STRESS program
Consider Positive RePercussions for your company's next conference, workshop, meeting or retreat.
Contact us today to discuss how our exciting programs can benefit your organization.