Leadership Skills

Building leaders while building stronger relationships.
Building strong cooperative relationships is a challenge for many leaders. Today’s challenges require the best efforts of a group of committed people who are working toward a common goal. While the impact of the individual may be great, the role as a leader is to guide a team to accomplishments greater than could be reached on their own. Many leaders are chosen because of their outstanding individual skills and knowledge, often this experience has not prepared them to lead, to encourage the best from others. The process of building relationships is generally not taught in schools, and the process of becoming a great leader begins with building strong relationships.
Positive RePercussions' Leadership Skills Development Programs work by engaging participants in drumming and rhythm-based events which allow them to experience the necessary skills to build strong relationships and to be an effective leader. Participants will learn to: lead by example, delegate efficiently, communicate effectively, learn to listen and lead by following.
Our Leadership Skills Development Programs are designed to instill the principals of the nation's foremost expert on leadership, John C. Maxwell.
Positive RePercussions offers exciting and innovative HealthRHYTHMS® based programs proven to build team spirit, boost morale, increase productivity, boost the body’s immune system and reduce burnout. These Rhythm-Based programs combine energetic, percussive drumming with calming guided imagery exercises to provide lasting and powerful stress management.
Consider Positive RePercussions for your company's next conference, workshop, meeting or retreat.
Contact us today to discuss how our exciting programs can benefit your organization.