Seniors: Drumming for Wellness
Evidence-Based, Therapeutic Approach to Wellness
At Positive RePercussions, we believe that music should be not only valued as a form of entertainment but also as a vehicle for positive change achieving specific measurable outcomes in the lives of individuals and groups. Today’s world has a need for innovative programs to help us respect differences while encouraging collaboration, allowing us to work together to a greater potential, and to create a healthy balance in our personal lives. Positive RePercussions utilizes rhythm-based activities because drums are the most accessible of musical instruments.
Research has shown that recreational music-making programs can effectively reduce stress, promote health and well-being and establish a caring, supportive community. Remo HealthRHYTHMS® Group Empowerment Drumming is a comprehensive, evidence-based, therapeutic approach to wellness.
Therapeutic group drumming is a beneficial and cost-effective program to engage seniors. Our group therapeutic drumming programs are led by trained, caring facilitators. Participants are encouraged to add their own beats and rhythms allowing participants to release stress, strengthen the immune system and address disease.
Therapeutic group drumming has been an effective activity for working with seniors in assisted living, seniors in memory care, as well as, the well elderly.
There is a growing body of research that shows the positive impact of group therapeutic drumming on senior living/senior care facilities:
Promotes Creativity through Self-Expression
Strengthening of the Immune System
Improving Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Reduce Cognitive Degeneration
Positive RePercussions provides evidence-based interactive music programs group drumming contact us today to discuss how our programs can benefit you.