Senior RhythmJam™ at Austin Parks & Recreation Centers

Senior RhythmJam™
Parent - Infant/Toddler Musical Exploration!
Creating a Bond through Rhythm with Young-at-Heart Seniors!
Senior RhythmJam™ is where everyone can feel young-at-heart as they are encouraged to play and create rhythm and song!! Come & enjoy group drumming with your friends, while making new friends. A Senior Rhythm Jam drum circle is a wonderful place to experience a reduction in stress, improvement in mood states, enhanced creativity and bonding, and more!
At Positive RePercussions, we believe that music should be not only valued as a form of entertainment, but also as a vehicle for positive change.
No prior musical experience necessary!!!
If you have a heart beat, you have rhythm!
All levels of music skills are welcome. Drums and hand percussion will be provided by
Austin Recreation Center
1301 Shoal Creek Blvd
Austin TX 78701
Thursdays, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Cost per family:
$75/6 class punch card ($15.00 drop-in)
Older siblings welcome
Northwest Recreation Center
2913 Northland Drive
Austin TX 78757
Wednesdays, 11:00 AM - 12:00 NOON
Cost per family:
$75/6 class punch card ($15.00 drop-in)
Older siblings welcome