TEEN BEATS™ at Lakeway Activity Center

A HealthRHYTHMS® Drumming Peer Support Group for Teens
Thursdays, October 6th - December 1st (No class on November 24th
6:00 PM - 7:000PM
Lakeway Activity Center
105 Cross Creek, Lakeway, TX 78734
(512) 261-1010
10 sessions $150 members / $170 Non-Members
("Try before you Buy"! Must RSVP 512-261-1010)
Come experience the joy of making music and making connections!
For Teens 14-18 Who Love Music & Could Use Some Peer Support “Music gets through where words do not pass, when barriers separate us, and when the odds are against us. It uplifts us in the midst of darkness, when we yearn for common ground, and when we need each other the most.” Remo HealthRHYTHMS® is a group drumming protocol supported by research that facilitates communication and personal expression. Participants of HealthRHYTHMS® may experience a reduction in stress, improvement in mood states, enhanced creativity and bonding, and more.
No Musical Skills Necessary!
If you have a heart beat, you have rhythm!
All levels of music skills are welcome.
Drums and hand percussion will be provided by Positive RePercussions.